311: Enlarged To Show Detail #2
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
Free Bonus CD with Six UnreIeased Tracks!
Live concert footage of Come OriginaI, Beautiful Disaster, Freeze Time, FeeI So Good, What Was l Thinking, Psycho and more…
Interviews with the band, the crew and the fans.
Rare behind-the-scenes footage of the band on tour in the studio, backstage and more…
lncIudes speciaI sections on 3-11 Day 2000, The 311 Milk ChaIIenge and more…
Come Original
You WouIdn't Believe
l'lI Be Here AwhiIe
"Making The Video" episodes for Flowing and You Wouldn't Believe.
Free Bonus CD incIudes six unreleased recordings…
DancehalI, Bomb The Town
WilI The WorId br>
We Do lt Like This
Dreamland br>
I'lI Be Here AwhiIe |