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  • Sandra Mobley
  • Juicy Work: Finding and Following Your Passion 

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    Lieferstatus:   Auf Bestellung (Lieferzeit unbekannt)
    Veröffentlichung:  September 2012  
    Genre:  Ratgeber / Esoterik 
    ISBN:  9780984756629 
    Verlag:  Hilton Pub 
    Einband:  Kartoniert  
    Sprache:  English  
    Seiten:  168 
    Bewertung: Titel bewerten / Meinung schreiben
    When you hear something described as "juicy," you probably think of a luscious piece of fruit: bite into it and it rewards all your senses as it refreshes your spirit and nourishes your body. Juicy work is exactly that. It is work that fulfills and sustains you. It draws on all your strengths and expands abilities you may not even have been aware of having. It is work that makes a difference to you and, at its juiciest, a difference to the world. The purpose of this book is to awaken the reader to the possibility of bringing all of their energy, passion, knowledge, and experience into their career and finding their own juicy work. To attain it, they must recognize what's getting in their way and then, through dialogue and exploration, begin to embody new behaviors, unlock inner wisdom and creativity, and shape their plan for a rich work life. The author has discovered that juicy work is possible for everyone. In her career she has been privileged to witness people's entire bodies change as they loosen their subconscious constraints and move toward a future that excites them. Maybe you don't believe this is possible. As some people say, "That is why it is called WORK." But the author believes that it is possible to find organizations where you will thrive doing work that is fulfilling. Some books focus on one element of job fit, having the right skill set. There are books to tell you how to 'play the corporate game.' The author believes in being authentic and using your head, heart and spirit in your job search. The process of approaching job fit from skills, passion and the right environment may not be unique, but the process and tools to get there offer something the author's clients find compelling.


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