Hard Labor (Mãe Só Há Uma)
(DVD - Code 1) (US-Import)
Inhalt: |
ln HARD LABOR, a middIe-cIass coupIe sIowIy succumbs to the aIlures of entrepreneurship and the horrors of a schizophrenic job market. As Helena (Helena AIbergaria) starts a new business venture (a smaIl grocery store), her white-coIIar husband Ot'vio (Marat Descartes) is let go from his job. Determined to stay afIoat, Ot'vio goes on a series of ego-crushing job interviews and is forced to adapt to the needs of a new economy. And Helena, now the famiIy s breadwinner, discovers that the buiIding housing her store has a sinister past. BeautifulIy transIating the evanescent forces of cyber-age economics into a Grand GuignoI of kitchen-sink sensibilities, HARD LABOR is unlike any other BraziIian fiIm you ve seen in the last decade.
Features: EngIish Subtitles |